I wish I was born in a world…
Where humans don’t draw the dagger against each other….
Where friends don’t refuse to acknowledge each other..
Where women don’t have to worry before stepping out alone…
Where nature is not tampered with…
Where every being is held in due respect..
Where religion, caste, creed and color cease to matter…
Where creatures live and let live…
May be it’s an utopia…
But may my journey be cut short in the most legitimate manner
Before it degrades any further….
Another Year
3 weeks ago
the flow is good and thoughts are better ..
thanks alok...
sometimes we really want to live at such places but we know that this king of world would never exist.. however we can create such type of atmosphere where at some circles we can find a world close to it.. If we are little bit of close to it this would be a great times for us.
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