How I held onto the sight of the light , that gleamed far away;
It may well have been a mirage, but
was my last hope of survival;
Dont take that away from me,
How could I say that,
when it defied all laws of existence;
You ask me to bury those remnants,
Will you be able to return me those hours
which I spent weaving dreams,
Dreams that will remain dreams forever,
Those sleepless nights that I spent,
clinging onto that hope,
Can you return me the smile that
sprung from deep within,
Here I am turned into a living object;
If possible , return me those wee hours of the mornings,
when I stealthily crept into the temple to bribe Him,
pleading for your success,
Dont ask me to give up that hope,
Even if you do, I wont oblige,
Take away my life rather,
But that hope, it will survive,
whether I do or not!
Another Year
3 weeks ago
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